
pet dog

Choosing a pet dog is not uncommon to fruition disappointment. So, what to do to eliminate this occurrence, especially for the "players" who are interested to cultivate new world peranjingan further?
One Select, Disappointed!It is not difficult to obtain various types of dog you want today. In Jakarta, almost every pet shop must provide the dogs "for sale", then adapula choices offered by the breeders through advertisements in newspapers, on the Internet or in specialized magazines dog.Options are quite diverse.
However, before buying and make choices, not wrong if prospective owners know in advance deficiency, excess, character, health condition and other aspects related to the type of dog you want to select it. In addition, there are special considerations that are not also be overlooked, such as considering the conditions of the family such as the number of family members, their interests, neighborhood atmosphere, and the time available.
One advice that could be considered before choosing a dog to be maintained is, not too fast to conclusions. Because "first glance" to the physical form of handsome, good color, or because the dog has a hard gonggogan etc. can actually backfire.
Dogs have unique properties, unlike other pets such as cats, horses or birds. Dogs are animals that can interact closely with humans. It is often said that as a pet, dogs have extremely close emotional relationships with employers and other family members. A dog is not just familiar with the employer. But he also can be very familiar with people close to the employer. Similarly with goods such as cars, home environment, motorcycle, or even dress the employer will fill out a dog that kept the memory correctly.
Meanwhile, there are opinions that say that the behavior or deviant nature of the dog, and upsetting is the impact of errors to choose and maintain. This further strengthens the assumption that states that a dog is a process of interaction. The process of this interaction include the attitudes, conditions and treatment of the keeper with the nature of the dog.
So, the argument to consider is, that if you want a dog then choose a suitable dog for the development, pet dogs do not become fearful, angry, and various other destructive properties.

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